A place to talk, not talk, wrestle, listen and experience being listened to
MaddyChristine Hope ~ Spiritual Director

Meet the Team


MaddyChristine Hope Brokopp grasped the ability to embrace scars and pains in her life as she learned to rest with Jesus through contemplation and Spiritual Direction. She’s learned there is beauty in learning to ’see well’ in all circumstances. Now she loves sitting with people no matter what lives in someone’s heart; journeying together, waiting on God, and exploring what it means to see well.

MaddyChristine is a multifaceted person with a background in business, special ed, event management and TV production. She gained her Spiritual Direction training through Sustainable Faith and guides people through the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises through The Jesuit Institude South Africa. She also hosts Pilgrimages every year..

She lives with her husband, Tim, in Media, PA, and she also visits her home in The Netherlands on a regular basis. They became parents of three amazing teenagers through foster care. MaddyChristine loves being with people, while she also loves spending time alone. Her morning porch time, in both the winter and summer, she holds sacred. She has quite a number of loves in her life: writing, cooking, photography, being out in nature, walking, and being with loved ones and neighbors is something she holds very dear.

After taking The Intimacy Project in 2017, MaddyChristine felt drawn to keep engaging with IP. She joined the team in 2020.

~ MaddyChristine facilitates the 2024/2025 in-person cohort with Judy ~


Nita Landis has sensed Love’s call to spiritual companionship through awareness that it is a space where her deep gladness meets one of the world’s deep hungers. Listening to others share their stories and together “dusting for the fingerprints of God” (Dave Nixon) energizes her. In addition to spiritual companionship, Nita also offers one-on-one formational prayer (inner healing care) and leads book circles and retreats.

Her journey out of the legalistic religious context of her childhood into the wide expanse of grace and belovedness, along with her personal experience of recovering from two episodes of clinical depression and anxiety, flavor her spiritual companionship and healing care practice. Nita and her husband live in Lancaster, PA. They raised three children and are now enjoying the giggles and grins of their seven grandchildren.

Nita received her training in spiritual direction through Sustainable Faith and in formational prayer through Ashland Theological Seminary. She has pursued ongoing education in both arenas and recently completed a certificate program in interpersonal neurobiology with Dr. Dan Siegel. 

Nita has been facilitating The Intimacy Project since 2016.

~ Nita will facilitate the 2025 online cohort with Nicole ~


Judy Marley delights in journeying with people as a spiritual companion. After years in both church and nonprofit ministry, Judy discovered that serving as a spiritual director meets her desire to listen lovingly and deeply to people, with God. A painful season filled with change and loss led her to search for fresh spiritual practices and companions for the journey. Learning how to be with God and receive God’s love has transformed her life. Her desire is to hold space for the ups and downs of the human experience, to listen deeply to people and to Spirit, to ask questions that are open and invitational, and to see people experience true freedom, wholeness, and love. She welcomes your wrestling, fears, and uncertainty. She is a soft and steady place as you process and as we listen together to the movement of Love.

Judy completed her spiritual direction training through the Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction, and she also holds a practitioner certification in the Enneagram. She lives in Lancaster, PA, with her husband John and pup Luna, and some of her favorite things include soaking up beauty on an outdoor adventure, sinking into a good book, or engaging in meaningful conversations around a table of delicious food.

Judy has been facilitating The Intimacy Project since 2018.

~ Judy facilitates the 2024/2025 in-person cohort with MaddyChristine ~


Nicole Mills Several years ago, amidst the confusion and pain of traveling through a spiritual wilderness, Nicole began to experience God and herself through a different lens. During that agonizing and transformative period, she discovered the mystery of God and her true belovedness, a discovery which continues to this day. As a spiritual director, she holds space for people to do the same. She invites people to unearth the pain and treasure of their story, to sit in the tension and the questions, all while discovering greater freedom, wholeness, God and their own belovedness.

In addition to being a spiritual director, she is also an oncology nurse, cancer survivor, nerd, and contemplative. Her real knowledge (of God, herself and the world) has come through the pain, wonder and holiness of each of the previously listed roles, but she also graduated from Majestic Way Elementary School, UC Davis and Johns Hopkins University.

She has a secret desire to be a nun or a double-dutch jump rope champion. Not being Catholic or able to jump two ropes poses significant hurdles, however, she remains hopeful. She is single, has a plethora of books, and holds great love for redwood trees, the mystery of God, and horses (in no particular order).She lives with her dog, Pax, and she loves him too.

Nicole has been facilitating The Intimacy Project since 2016

~ Nicole will facilitate the 2025 online cohort with Nita ~