A place to talk, not talk, wrestle, listen and experience being listened to
MaddyChristine Hope ~ Spiritual Director

Spiritual Direction can be a breath of life as it empowers what I call ‘seeing well’.

Being a spiritual director to me means having the privilege to join the conversation someone is already having with God.

I have witnessed how powerful it can be when people move from a state of doing to a state of being. That being drawn by God carries more sweetness than driving anything yourself.

I love sitting with people no matter what lives in someone’s heart. Together we will pay attention to what God is doing in your life, we will explore how you can be still with God and how you can respond to the voice of God. We will look for God’s nudges and invitations on your journey. Life comes with challenges and it is a treasure to help people see gifts and graces in each season.

It is my heart’s desire to help people be brave and live with questions. Many gifts can be found as we ponder, sit, and play with questions versus working on getting our questions answered (right away).

I will be slow to move you out of your pain zone and instead help you connect with God right where you are. Here lies a powerful embrace from God.

During Spiritual Direction you get to talk, not talk, rest, listen, wrestle and experience being listened to and being walked with. It enables you to not only listen to God but also to yourself and get in touch with your needs and desires. It is for those who crave being still and it is for those who are restless and always require sounds around them. It is for those who live in doubt even after having been raised in the church. It is for those who have a steadfast relationship with the Divine.

I look forward, and will be honored, to be on the journey with you,
