A place to talk, not talk, wrestle, listen and experience being listened to
MaddyChristine Hope ~ Spiritual Director

Spiritual Direction is an ancient spiritual practice dating back to our Desert Mothers and Fathers. It is a form of soul care. In modern terms, I call it ‘me time’. It is that hour a month that I carve out for myself. I make space to silence what is going on around me, and I pause. I pause to listen to what is going on at a deeper level.

It is a practice where you engage with a spiritual director at a pace that is different from our normal, and often full and hasty, life. This hour may be filled with, in the beginning, awkward, silences and you will grow to be comfortable there.

A spiritual director sits with you and listens to what it is you bring (heart, head, body and soul) and offers space, silence, and questions that will help you notice where God is at work. You are not necessarily helped to understand the relationship better, but to engage in it, to enter into dialogue with God. It is very much experiential-based. A director will, together with the Spirit, listen for God’s presence and movements. As you pay attention to what is happening in your inner life, you will become more aware of God’s presence. You learn what is calling for your attention and how to recognize and respond to God’s nudges.

You will explore seeing God in the mundane of life; you might celebrate sweet moments or big happenings while this is also a safe place to bring doubt and pain.

The personal relationship between a director and a directee is characterized by a foundation of confidentiality, mutual trust, respect, warmth, genuine care, honesty, and openness. Typically a directee meets with a Spiritual Director once a month, for an hour. This can be done in person, via video call, phone call, or written word.